In a move fitting the former East German secret police, Dutch politicians have started sending scratch-n-sniff cards smelling of cannabis to 30,000 households in Rotterdam and The Hague, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) reports. On the card is the phone number to a police department. The idea is that the politicians want people to spy on their neighbors. Do you feel a faint smell of cannabis when you pop over to borrow the lawnmower? Just call the police and have them arrested.
The danger, a State-sponsored anti-cannabis organization says, is in part the danger of cannabis use itself (which is a blatant lie; cannabis is the least harmful drug in the world), but also the fire hazard associated with cannabis growing.
Here's a suggestion, law makers all over the world: make it completely legal to grow, sell, buy and use cannabis, and people won't have to cram ten plants into a closet filled with blankets and a heat lamp.
For now all I have to say is: Dutch growers, I hope you're better at smelling a rat than they are at smelling cannabis.
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