
The Abortion Debate: Midwives And Conscience

Nurses, midwives and doctors should not be forced to perform abortions if it goes against their conscience, so says Eva Johnsson and six other politicians and members of Parliament for the Swedish Christian Democrats in an article published on the Newsmill website. I agree with her, but the solution is not to make new laws regulating the health care industry. This isn't even a question of morals or ethics; it's a question of contractual obligation.

If you took the job knowing that you would be expected to perform or assist in abortions, and you did not object, you have no right to refuse. Well, of course you have the right to refuse, but if you do, your employer should likewise have the right to fire you, since your refusal constitutes a breach of contract. As always, the solution is to deregulate.

By deregulating the health care industry there would be the option for those who oppose abortion to open and run their own clinics and hospitals where such procedures are prohibited, a solution that should please both Johnsson et al. as well as those of us who feel that abortion should be an option, albeit the very last one.


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