
We Don't Need THAT Education, We Don't Need No State Control

The liberal-conservative (i.e. statist-statist) government in Great Britain has suggested raising tuition fees in British universities to a maximum of £9,000 per year. This has led to mass protests and rioting in London. The protesters say that this will exclude children from poor families from going to university. The solution, as always, is to deregulate.

First of all, we don't need as many people continuing on with higher studies. For a lot of people high school would be more than sufficient. We've ended up in a situation where countries compete with each other about who can have the highest percentage of young people with a university degree (regardless of if it's needed or not), and where more and more career paths require you to have a degree that is completely unnecessary. It's as if they're saying that unless you have a degree, you're not quite as good as everyone else, so you better put yourself in debt and get that piece of paper.

There is no need for people who are not qualified to study to become doctors or engineers. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's the way it is. And some educations are simply ridiculously long – you don't need three years at a university to be a journalist, for example (then again, I guess three years is about the time it takes to completely brain-wash someone, so I guess they have a reason).

Completely deregulate the educational system and you will see companies either paying for gifted students to go to college or university, or lending them money in exchange for them working for the company for a couple of years – regardless of how much or how little money their parents have. This will ensure that only the people who are the most gifted end up becoming engineers, doctors, lawyers etc. and that's the way it should be.


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